Hasil analisis dependent t test kecemasan dan beban didapatkan nilai signifikansi< 0,05, hasil ini menunjukkan penurunan kecemasan dan beban secara bermakna setelah diberikan terapi FPE. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dependent t test dan independen t test. Pemberian terapi dilakukan oleh peneliti sendiri yang telah mendapatkan lisensi dari perawat spesialis jiwa. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Bola mulai tanggal 24 Mei-28 Juni 2017. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini 18 responden untuk kelompok kontrol dan 18 responden untuk kelompok perlakuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian quasi experiment pre-post test with control group. Penlitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan pengaruh terapi Family Psychoeducation (FPE) terhadap kecemasan dan beban keluarga dalam merawat anggota keluarga dengan skizofrenia. Masalah tersebut dapat diatasi dengan pemberian terapi FPE.

Keluarga dengan penderita skizofrenia seringkali merasakan kecemasan dan beban yang berkaitan dengan perawatan klien. Keywords : family psychoeducation, anxiety, family burdenĪbstrak : Skizofrenia merupakan proses penyakit yang mempengaruhi persepsi, emosi, perilaku sosial dan kemampuan menerima realita dengan benar.

Thus it is expected that FPE can be applied as an alternative therapy in reducing the anxiety of families who care for people with schizophrenia. This means that FPE is more effective in reducing family anxiety. While the results of independent t test showed that the significance of anxiety and family burden <0.05 which means that there is a significant difference in reducing anxiety and family burden between the treatment and control group after being given FPE therapy, that is, with an average decrease in anxiety and burden For the treatment and control groups of 10.11 and 3.5, respectively. The result of dependent t test of anxiety and load test was obtained significance value <0,05, this result showed significant decrease of anxiety and load after FPE therapy. Data analysis used in this research is dependent t test and independent t test. Giving therapy done by the researchers themselves who have obtained a license from nurse specializing in mental health nursing. The study was conducted in District Bola from 24 May to 28 June 2017.

The number of respondents in this study were 18 respondents for the control group and 18 respondents for the treatment group. This research uses quasi experiment research pre-post test with control group. This study aims to explain the effect of Family Psychoeducation (FPE) therapy on anxiety and family burden in caring for family members with schizophrenia. The problem can be solved by giving FPE therapy. Families with schizophrenics often feel anxiety and burdens associated with client care. Abstract : Schizophrenia is a disease process that affects perceptions, emotions, social behavior and the ability to accept reality correctly.